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What are the fences?

Nov 01, 2018

What are the fences?

The main modern types of metal fences are:
Fencing of children's institutions
Sectional (panel) fencing
Mesh fencing
Metal shtaketnik
Mobile (temporary) fencing
Welded fences
But in this article we want to talk not only about modern metal fences, but also about fences in general - about their types, materials from which they are made, how to use various fencing systems.

When buying a plot of land, the first action of any owner on it will be the construction of a fence. So that he, and others, clearly represent where the border of his site lies. Therefore, outside the city you can often see a fenced plot without a house, and almost never - a house without a fence.

At the time of construction usually erect a temporary fence, which will not interfere with construction equipment and performs only the function of fencing. At the end of construction, it is removed and installed beautiful and reliable metal fences , which will not only protect the territory, but also demonstrate to others the status, worldview and even the character of the owner.

On the fence and the gate is easy to determine what kind of people live here.

Thus, a plot behind a fence with a wrought ornament and the owner’s coat of arms on poles made of natural stone will probably belong to an open but vain person, and a person with a secretive character will most likely correspond to a deaf brick three-meter fence. Pensioners may have a dacha, which will be fenced with a neat wooden fence made of a picket fence, and the young family will choose a fence with a net-netting.
The section overlooking a busy street is most often fenced with a fence filled with profiled sheets, and behind the fences of concrete sections for some reason you can often see freight transport that hosts the site. When choosing a fence for your site, you should clarify with the local authorities what restrictions exist on the use of deaf fences in this locality. So, often a deaf fence can be installed only along the street, and between neighbors either not at all, or it is possible, but only with their written consent.

Rabbit fencing

1. The most popular option is a fence from a chain-link mesh (woven wire mesh, with diamond-shaped cells) with a polymer coating or galvanized wire mesh mesh. The grid can be either simply stretched between the posts, or attached to horizontal guides attached to the posts (tension wire, metal bar). There is another option with a chain-netting, stretched in a rectangular welded frames (sections) from a metal corner.

Welded mesh fencing

2. Instead of a mesh-chain-link, a rolled welded mesh (consisting of welded wire rods arranged perpendicular to each other, with a square or rectangular cell), which can be: non-galvanized, galvanized, or galvanized and coated with polymeric ) coating. Such a grid is mounted on poles almost the same as a chain-link, with the only difference that for its installation it is also necessary to have a special device that provides grid tension.

Fencing of welded panels type 3D

3. Another option for the mesh fence is panel (sectional) mesh fencing with stiffeners (so-called 3D fences) or with double horizontal bars (so-called 2D fences), which are welded mesh in the form of galvanized wire fencing panels with a diameter of 4, 5 or 6 mm with large cells (50x100–50x215 mm). Such metal panel fencing is usually covered with powder paint or polymer (PVC) coating. When mounting such welded fences, the pillars are concreted in the ground or installed on the bases, and the panels are attached to the pillars with special clamps.

4. For filling deaf fences most often use a profiled metal sheet, which is attached to the horizontal Professional fence fenceguides of the profiled pipe (lag). Sheets of metal profile in such fences are overlapped with each other and are attached to the guide with slotted screws (roofing screws). Often, the fence is reinforced and made into pillars as high as a fence, and a third shaped tube is allowed on top, which makes it a reliable barrier to the grass and bushes from the neighboring site.

5. A fence with sections from a welded Fence with welded mesh sectionslattice can be both utilitarian, outwardly very simple, and quite beautiful. On the basis of this, as well as the type, quantity and diameter of the reinforcement used, the price for such a fence may differ significantly. The sections for such a fence are based on bars of square or circular cross-section, which are mounted vertically on horizontal guides, and various decorative elements can also be included.

6. The metal grille can be made not only from Wrought iron fencestandard reinforcement, but also forged by hand. The only drawback of this type of fencing is the relatively high cost of manufacture. But you need to understand that the forged grille, as a rule, is a real work of art, which is one of the main decorations of the site and can compete in attractiveness with the house itself.

7. Most often wooden fences are made with one-sided lining Wooden fence with one sided lining(solid or non-solid). As a rule, boards in the fence are nailed vertically to the horizontal guides, although there are options when using a horizontal arrangement of boards in the fence. For durability, boards are impregnated with special compounds to increase the service life, painted or varnished. There are varieties of very interesting playing up this variant of the fence.

8. Double-sided stitching is also often used in wooden fences. What are the fencesBilateral sewing is when the picket fence on one side of the horizontal guide, to which it is attached, is located opposite the gaps between the pins of the other side, that is, in a checkerboard pattern (“chessboard”). This approach significantly reduces wind resistance and at the same time provides reliable protection from immodest looks.

9. There are options for wooden fences, Wooden fence with curved planksconsisting of thin boards, curved between the guides, which can be both vertical and horizontal. The boards in this fence are stacked according to the same logic as the bars in the fence.

10. Reliable, durable, one might say, monumental look reinforced concrete fences. Due to the fact that such fences were often fenced off by industrial enterprises and various closed institutions, they are rarely used for fencing of country houses. Reinforced concrete fences consist of standard self-standing sections or sections with special legs, which are inserted into concrete pedestals (glasses), similar to a pyramid truncated from above.What are the fences

There are also variants of concrete sections with fastening to concrete pillars, and these sections can be either from one monolithic slab or from several low, but long concrete panels that are placed on top of each other and are retained by grooves in the concrete pillar. If the bottom panels of such a fence are deaf, then the top is usually openwork. The undoubted advantage of this fence is its durability and strength. It is only necessary to ensure that the support under it does not wash away and the fence does not fall, it does not require any other maintenance.

11. Brick fences are not inferior to concrete in strength, but, unlike concrete, they need a separate foundation. The high price of such a fence is due to both the cost of materials and the laboriousness of the construction. Nevertheless, it is precisely brick fences that are best able to demonstrate to others around the high status of the site owner. Brick fences can be decorated with natural stone or even plastered. This is quite a laborious task, but if the status of the house is binding, then such a decision in the decoration does not seem excessive.Brick fence

12. Fences made of large wild stone look very brutal. What are the fencesThey are reminiscent of the times of the Roman Empire, when the fences around the possessions were protected from the raids of barbarians. This option of the fence will be an interesting way out for stony areas, the stones from which you still need to be removed somewhere, and you can make an original fence from them.

13. If you decide to make a fence from a wild stone,  Wild stone fence in metal meshthen it is not necessary to lay stones on the cement mortar, you can use as a permanent formwork and a metal grid. Typically, this solution is used to build retaining walls on the slopes, but as a fence, this design will look modern and original.

14. Recently, various types of plastic fences began to appear on the market. What are the fencesThis may be factory-made plastic intake sections, and, for example, sheets of polycarbonate. From the latter, quite interesting translucent fences are obtained that do not create shadows and at the same time protect against wind and indiscreet looks.

We should also highlight the issue of the foundation for the fence.
If simply metal pipes filled with a meter or more are suitable for fixing mesh fences, for deaf or heavy fences the foundation should be more solid. In the case of deaf fence, strong wind loads occur, which can knock over or deflect fence posts from the vertical.
It will be difficult to do without concreting the pillars for the fence from the profiled sheet, although an alternative would be to use thin screw piles as pillars. The next most reliable option is to fill a shallow strip foundation under the fence (with mandatory temperature joints no later than every two meters). He will be able to withstand almost any fence, with the exception of perhaps a brick. Under self-standing concrete sections, it is sufficient to make a sand-gravel pad to minimize the unevenness of possible subsidence of the soil.


The fence is not the only part of the site fencing, in any normal fence there should be a gate and a gate for cars to enter. Gates are the most expensive part of the fence, which is caused by both the greater complexity of their design and the large amount of materials used. The most common gate options are swinging and sliding. Swing gatesSwing gates are usually simpler and cheaper and in fact are two short sections of the fence, hinged to the posts. If you rarely enter the site by car, then it makes no sense to overpay for a sliding gate. Swing gatesThe most inexpensive sliding gates are more than twice as expensive as the most inexpensive swing gates.
Swing gates, according to the SNiP, should open in the territory of the site.

In the sliding gates, the sash is rolled to the side along special

The main advantage of sliding gates is that when they open, they do not require a lot of free space to move the leaves, but simply roll back along the fence. Sliding gatesIn comparison with swinging gates opening inside the territory (according to the current SNiP), this is more advantageous in that it allows to place the car practically close to the gate, and not at the distance necessary for free opening of the valves.
This becomes especially relevant in the winter when the sliding gates can simply be rolled back, and before the swinging doors one must first clear the snow.
Filling both retractable and swing gates is usually done the same as in the main fence (of course, if it is not stone), although sometimes they try to make the gate more beautiful and aesthetic.
A better foundation must be provided for the pillars that hold the gate than for the fence pillars, since they must not only withstand the weight of the fence and possible wind loads, but also not deviate from the vertical under the influence of the weight of the gate leaves.
It is important to bear in mind that the load vector of the swing gate changes by 45 degrees when the gate leaves open. Drives for automatic opening of sliding gates are much simpler in design and, as a result, cost significantly less than drives for swing gates, which need at least two (one to open each leaf), and also operate synchronously with each other. Thanks to automatic drives, the gate can open and close on command from the remote control, which allows you not to leave the car to open or close them, which becomes especially valuable in bad weather.
Also, the automatic opening of the gate reduces the risk of car theft, which in the case of manual opening is large enough, because the driver, who left to open or close the door leaves, has to leave the car open on the street and often with the engine running.
Whatever type of fencing of your house you choose, remember that a single style and price range must be maintained. Serious discrepancies in the price of the fence and the house behind it, or their different-style decisions, will give out the bad taste of the owner and not for the better affect the estimated value of the entire object.

Professional Council
Nowadays, more and more people prefer solid, but light and transparent 3D fencing. This is due to the desire to keep up with the times.
The trend is supported by the new owners of the “species” plots, wishing to contemplate the beauty of nature, and not the deaf brick fence. Also, many began to realize that if there is a solid fence, the air will stagnate on the site, the territory will not be aired, and this is uncomfortable, especially on a hot summer day.
The issue of viewability is easy to solve: climbing plants, such as clematis, and a fence of welded mesh are planted next to the fence.for a couple of years it turns into a well-ventilated, but not viewable green hedge on a solid metal base. Also a big plus of such a fence is that the 3D fence does not require any special care and is very durable.
When choosing fencing 3D, the main thing is the quality of the material. Beware of fakes! Pay attention to the availability of samples from the company-seller, specify and compare technical parameters, be sure to request confirmation of the information you receive from the manager. Such confirmation can serve as the test reports of materials of the fence and documents confirming the quality (certificates), and personal experience of people who have already become owners of 3D fencing. You can also ask to name the installation sites, drive through the objects and see how it looks in reality. For example, in our company, any of the managers always provides information of interest to the client, confirming the quality of fences.

                                                                                         Reprint from the company "PALISAD"


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